Research Group
Website: n.a.
The project Fundo Nacional de Reabilitação do Edificado (National Fund for Building Rehabilitation), run by FUNDIESTAMO (Sociedade Gestora de Fundos de Investimento Imobiliário, SA.), relies in setting up a group of multidisciplinary teams as to “Minimize the Risk of Poor Quality in Rehabilitation Projects”, through the provision of technical services, including monitoring a set of strategic and operational goals, regarding the following parts of the process: Validation of property programmes; Verification of external projects; Selection of companies and professionals; Elaboration of projects; Revision of projects.
Funding Institution:
Coordination: Florindo José Mendes Gaspar; João Paulo Veludo Vieira Pereira; Paulo Alexandre Lopes Fernandes; Pedro Lemos Cordeiro
Team: Pedro Lemos Cordeiro; Paulo Tormenta Pinto; Florindo José Mendes Gaspar; João Paulo Veludo Vieira Pereira; Paulo Alexandre Lopes Fernandes; Hugo Filipe Pinheiro Rodrigues; João António Esteves Ramos; Vânia Cecília Marques Carvalho; Pedro Miguel Duarte dos Santos; Miguel Filipe Barreto dos Santos Florindo José Mendes Gaspar
Updated: 31/01/2018