Research Group
Website: n.a.
This project sought to collect, analyze and provide a detailed set of information on the projects financed by the “Programa de Desenvolvimento Comunitário para a Mouraria”, ultimately aiming at an integrated analysis of the PDCM, its implementation and functioning as well as the objectives achieved in this phase of work: "the individual and comparative analysis should focus on each project in relation to the achievement of the proposed objectives and the contribution of each of them to the results of each and each axis in relation to the general objectives of the PDCM."
Period: 2012 - 2013
Funding Institution: Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
Coordination: Madalena Matos
DINÂMIA'CET-IUL Team: Pedro Costa, Alexandra Castro, Teresa Amor, António Velez.
Consultants: José Manuel Henriques, Margarida Perestrelo.
Project reports.
Updated: 02/02/2018