No dia 24 de Maio às 10h00 vai ter lugar, no Auditório Paquete de Oliveira, no Edifício Sedas Nunes do Iscte, e via Zoom, a apresentação do livro "Public Policies for Territorial Cohesion" coordenado por Eduardo Medeiros.
A apresentação será feita pelo Diretor do ESPON (European Spatial Planning Observatory Network), Dr. Wiktor Szydarowski e pelo Professor Paulo Neto, coordenador da UMPP (Unidade de Monitorização de Políticas Públicas).
Zoom Meeting (com waiting room)
Meeting ID: 949 2894 1863
Sobre o livro
This book introduces a comprehensive and updated analysis of the role of public policies to promote territorial cohesion processes and trends in a given territory. By being the first book taking a reflective and holistic approach on how public policies can lead to more cohesive and balanced territories, it advances theoretical avenues for academics and showcases current academic research to policymakers and practitioners by focusing on how public policies, being implemented in different territorial scales (urban, local, regional, national, and European), can actively contribute to foster territorial cohesion trends in a given territory. This reflective approach provides an opportunity for thinking about what lessons can be learned from past and ongoing experiences and how they can improve future implementation of public policies more effectively and efficiently toward territorial cohesion, since all existing analyses show that at the national level, no European country has achieved territorial cohesion trends over the past decades. As such, this book acts as a valid and useful policy manual that effectively contributes to inverting current territorial exclusion trends at the national level, by highlighting best policy practices and a comprehensive introduction to contemporary thinking about how public policies can play a decisive role in boosting territorial cohesion processes in a given territory.
Part I - EU and National Public Policies for Territorial Cohesion
- EU Policies and Strategies and Territorial Cohesion
Eduardo Medeiros, Sérgio Caramelo
- National Policies and Territorial Cohesion
Paulo Neto, João Fermisson, Nuno Duarte, António Rodrigues
Part II - Socioeconomic Development Policies for Territorial Cohesion
- Equal Opportunities, Fair Work and Social Protection: Impacts of COVID-19 on Young People in Portuguese Rural Territories
Francisco Simões, Renato Miguel do Carmo, Bernardo Fernandes
- Non-profit Organizations and Territorial Cohesion: The Case of Cross-Border Collaboration
Oto Potluka, Lina Schubnell
Part III - Environmental Sustainability Policies for Territorial Cohesion
- EU Cohesion in an Age of Environmental Breakdown: Rethinking the Territorial Agenda
Gavin Daly
- Sustainable Urbanisation for Territorial Cohesion. A Multi-scalar Perspective
Giancarlo Cotella
Part IV - Urban Policies for Territorial Cohesion
- Urban and Regional Planning for Territorial Cohesion Barbara Demeterova
- Spatial Planning for Territorial Cohesion
Joaquín Farinós-Dasí
Part V - Territorial Cooperation and Governance Policies for Territorial Cohesion
- Territorial Cooperation for European Cohesion
Martín Guillermo-Ramírez
- Cross-Territorial Governance via EGTCs for Territorial Cohesion
Gyula Ocskay, James W. Sc