Research Group
Research Group
Research Group
Teresa Marat-Mendes

Integrated Researcher
research interests
Architecture, Urbanism, Urban Metabolism, Urban History, Urban Morphology, Urban Sustainability, Urban Ecology, Sustainability in Higher Education, Urban Morphology.
Short Bio
Teresa Marat-Mendes is a Full Professor in Architecture and Urbanism ISCTE-IUL and an integrated Researcher at DINÂMIA'CET-IUL. Teresa is an Architect with a MS.c. in Land Use Planning and Environmental Planning (UNL.FCT) and a Ph.D. in Architecture (Univ. of Nottingham). Her main research areas include Architecture and Urbanism, Urban Sustainability, Urban Metabolism, Ecological Urbanism, Urban Morphology and Sustainability in Higher Education. She was a Visiting Professor at The Universitat Politécnica da Catalunya (Barcelona, 2011) and at the Queensland University of Technology (Austrália, 2013). Teresa is a member of the Scientific Council of the International Seminar on Urban Form and was the former President for the Portuguese Network of Urban Morphology (PNUM). At DINÂMIA'CET-IUL Teresa coordinated the Research Projects MEMO (PTDC/EMS-ENE/2197/2012) and SPLACH- Spatial Planning for Change (POCI01145FEDER16431).