Research Group
Research Group
Research Group
Sebastião Santos

Integrated Researcher
research interests
Territorial transformation dynamics / Public Policies and Strategic Planning / Prospective Risk and Cenarization / Public Participation Processes / Mapping Using New Technologies (ICT / Multimedia)
Short Bio
Landscape Architect (ISA-UTL, 2011). Master with the theme: 'The challenges of contemporary reality as an opportunity to create landscape'. In 2007 joins the team responsible for the pole ‘landscape’ in the first Triennale of Architecture of Lisbon. Between 2008-2011 collaborates with landscape architecture studios: Topiaris, Global, Proap in the design of public/private spaces as well as in territorial planning. In 2012 co-develops "Rio Project - Development and valorization of Tavira" with Chão de Gente ONG (of which he is co-founder) within the framework of the European Places - Cities for Scientific Culture platform.Since 2012 collaborates with the research project 'FILARQPAIS, Filosofia e Arquitectura da Paisagem’ (Centre of Philosophy at Universidade de Letras de Lisboa). Since 2013 integrates the research team of 'Periurban' research project as a research assistant (DINAMIA'CET-IUL). Since is a member of the editorial board of the review ‘Estudo Prévio’ (Research center of Architecture, City and Territory at Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa). Also teaches Landscape project module within the discipline of Ethics and Aesthetics of Landscape (Instituto Superior de Agronomia -UTL). In 2016 collaborates in the research project "O lugar do discurso" (DINAMIA'CET-ISCTE-IUL) and in the European project Marie Curie «Crossing borders - Knowledge, innovation and technology transfer across borders» (DINAMIA’CET-ISCTE-IUL). In this context carries out a research internship in the Center for the Study of Science Policy (CSSP) at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in New Delhi (India). Since 2016, he has been a PhD fellow in Architecture of the Metropolitan Contemporary Territories (ISCTE-IUL / DINAMIA'CET) with the theme "Wild Brave Future. Urban planning in the context of uncertainty, bridges between the vulnerable city and the desired city"