Research Group
Research Group
Research Group
João Estevão

Associate Researcher
research interests
Lifestyle entrepreneurship, smar destinations, tourism destination marketing, heritage tourism, community-based tourism, Destination Management Systems, interorganizational information systems
Short Bio
João Estêvão holds a PhD in Tourism from the University of Aveiro, Portugal, under the subject of the adoption of Information Technologies by tourism destinations to foster the internal coordination between stakeholders. The Regional Tourism Entity of Central Portugal awarded him the prize for the best tourism-related thesis completed in Portugal in 2020. He holds MSc in Local Tourism Destination’s Management at the University of Barcelona, Spain, in which the dissertation encompassed the use of cultural resources within tourism. His main research interests are Lifestyle Entrepreneurship in Tourism, Smart Tourism Destinations, and Tourism Destination Marketing. He regularly authors articles under these topics in reference international scientific journals in the areas of tourism and information technologies. He is currently Adjunct Professor at the Lamego Higher School of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Viseum where he coordinates the BA in in Tourism, Cultural and Heritage Management. He has participated in academic projects aiming to (i) revitalize peripheral rural communities through tourism and (ii) to improve the collaborative efforts within tourism destinations’ players though the use of Interorganizational Information Systems.