Research Group
Research Group
Research Group
Inês Lima Rodrigues

Integrated Researcher
research interests
Architecture, Urbanism, Collective Housing, Architecture Project, Portuguese Colonial Architecture and in the former Portuguese Colonies.
Short Bio
She recently finished her PhD about Lusophone Modern Collective Housing, defended the PhD’s thesis: "when Collective Housing were modern, from Portugal to other Portuguese speaking countries, 1948-1974", with recognized merit as the “Premi Extraordinari Doctorat 2013-14”. She is since 2006 member of the research group FORM, directly connect with the line “Modern Form” of the master and doctoral program of the Department of Architectural Projects, ESTAB-UPC. She published several articles in academic journals and participated in numerous seminars and conferences in Portugal and abroad. Among them are the project "Ignored Modernity, Modern Architecture in Luanda", organized by the Faculty of Architecture – University of Lisbon, University Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), University Agostinho Neto (Luanda) and the conference “Research methodologies” and the article “When collective housing made the city, the case of Luanda Modern, in 2011; and the different seminaries and volumes of the collection "Documents of Modern Architecture in Latin America", edited by FORM, ESTAB-UPC (Barcelona, 2006-2013), among which stands out "The permanence of the type" in Volume IV, 2010 and “section for the classroom” in Volume V (2013). In parallel to the research, Professor of Architecture Project and History of Contemporary Architecture at the University School of Arts of Coimbra and developed the practical activity in her own atelier. She’s currently developing post-PhD in modern architecture in Angola [SFRH / BPD / 117157/2016] and is a researcher at DINÂMIA'CET-IUL.
Current projects
Architecture, Colonialism and Labour. The role and legacy of mass labour in the design, planning and construction of Public Works in former African territories under Portuguese colonial rule