Research Group
Research Group
Research Group
Fábio Rodrigues Correia

Assistant Researcher
research interests
Housing, Public Housing, Public Polities, Habitat, Urbanism, History of Architecture, History of Portuguese Architecture
Short Bio
Fábio Rodrigues Correia (Funchal, Madeira. 1987)
Master in Architecture from Iscte - University Institute of Lisbon (2013). Started his studies at the University of Beira Interior in 2006. Scholarship from Santander Scholarship Programme, awarded in 2011, while at the faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of São Paulo. Participated in several student competitions and exhibitions and reaching the finals of “ArchiNews Stand Concept 2011”, promoted by the ArchiNews Magazine. In 2014, he was awarded an Honourable Mention in the 2nd edition of the Portuguese Archiprix Prize.
Since 2012, he has collaborating on many research projects, developing all branding identities, stationary and digital platforms to divulge all scientific activities. He's a FCT PhD Fellow in the Doctoral Programme in Architecture of Contemporary Metropolitan Territories and since 2016 having developed his research on housing in the Madeira Island, discovering that all major buildings in this territory had been built during the XX century.