Research Group
Research Group
Research Group
Sandra Marques Pereira

Integrated Researcher
research interests
Urban Sociology, Housing and Cities
Short Bio
Sandra Marques Pereira was born in 1969. Graduated (1993) and PhD in Sociology at ISCTE (2010). Besides being post-doctoral researcher, she is invited professor in ISCTE. Coordinator of the WG Southern European Housing from European Network for Housing Research. Executive coordinator of FCT Research Projects (New Housing Segments and Residential Trajectories and Metropolization). Author of Casa e Mudança Social – Uma leitura das transformações da Sociedade Portuguesa através da casa (2012) e Visite o andar modelo – 30 anos de publicidade de imobiliário (2014), both from Caleidoscópio. Prize IHRU 2011 and Prize André Jordan 2012 to best PhD Thesis.
Current projects
Habitação colectiva de Álvaro Siza: projetos, contextos e vivências (Porto-Lisboa-Nova Iorque)