Research Group
Research Group
Research Group
Alexandra Paio

Integrated Researcher
research interests
Cities and Territories (processes and advanced digital tool to support creativity, digital fabrication, public space and participatory processes).
Short Bio
Architect (1993), M.Sc in Urban Design (2002) and PhD in Architecture and Urbanism (2011). Assistant Professor in the Department of Architecture and Urbanism at ISCTE-IUL. Director and Researcher of Vitruvius FabLab-IUL (2011 - ). Vice-Dean of the Department of Architecture and Urbanism (2016-2019), Director of the PhD Program in Architecture of Contemporary Metropolitan Territories (2017-2019) and Director of the Specialized Course in Collaborative Territories: Processes, Design, Intervention and entrepreneurship (ASF-P/CML) (2015 - ). Teaches architecture design studio (3rd year, Integrated Master in Architecture) and Digital Architecture (Architecture PhD programme). Coordinates and participates in several projects related to digital fabrication and participatory processes with the support of Portuguese industry and Municipalities.
Current projects
Oferta de habitação sustentável e acessível na Europa
BIPZIP 2021 - 29 Sai da Caixa Armador