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ÁREAS METROPOLITANAS - The transformation of social and urban structure of Lisbon and Oporto Metropo

Research Group

Website: n.a.



The subject of the composition or recompositions of cities’ social tissue and their spatial expression or, in another perspective, the analysis of change in social and urban structure throughout the processes of urban growth, is a founding research line in urban studies. From the outset it has been a fundamental theme in scientific production. In Portugal, the systematic and longitudinal analysis of social recompositions has had as key empirical object the social structure of Portuguese society on a whole, as opposed to specific cases in metropolitan territories. In the Portuguese case there are multiple studies on the spatial expression of social change. However, so far there hasn’t been an enlarged in-depth study of the social and urban structure of the two national metropolitan areas (Lisbon and Oporto), based on several dimensions and variables of transformation along time. This project centres on the relation between social structure and urban structure transformations in these two areas, from 1950 to 2011. Methodology (max. 5-10 lines): Fundamental methodology is the statistical analysis of population, building and housing censuses in all Census applications from 1950 to 2011. It is a longitudinal analysis of an aggregate chronological dataset, based on a set of variables and cross-checking data previously released by INE (Instituto Nacional de Estatística, IP).

Period: 2014 - 2014

Funding Institution: n.a.

Coordination: Walter Rodrigues

DINÂMIA'CET-IUL Team: Sérgio Caramelo, Patrícia Rodrigues, Raquel Deus



Updated: 02/02/2018


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