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The monumentality revisited - Hestnes Ferreira, between intemporality European and North American cl

Research Group

Website: n.a.


Researcher: Alexandra Saraiva


The aim of this research is to reconstruct the contacts, influences and relations of Raúl Hestnes Ferreira (1931-2018), trying to understand the impact in his works, resulting from the intercultural professional career between Portugal, Finland and USA, of the initial period of his activity as architect until 1974. The RHF is part of the generation of Portuguese architects who became a protagonist after April 25, 1974, idealism for democracy and freedom, determines a strong political and social awareness. His family history leads him to know Nordic architecture and travel throughout Europe. RHF looks for Alvar Aalto, a response to questions essential to the realization of his ideals. However, this research does not end, which determines its departure to the US. When researching on the architectural work of RHF, I promote the cultural translation between European cultures and their creativity, seen from inside and out and safeguarding the national and world patrimony.

Period: 2015 - 2018

Funding Institution: FCT - SFRH/BPD/111869/2015


Opinion text published in the Jornal de Noticias in February 16, 2018 at 00:01

SARAIVA, A., PIRES, R. (2017). Quatro décadas entre o sonho e a realidade: a Casa da Juventude de Beja, in Alves, Luis M; Alves, P y García García, F., ACTAS ICONO14 – V Congresso Internacional Cidades Criativas, 25-27 Janeiro 2017. Porto-Portugal, pp. 119-127, ISBN: 978-84-940289-8-4

SARAIVA, A., PIRES, R. (2017). Arquitetura, espaço e actividades criativas – a Casa da Juventude de Beja, Diógenes, G., Dabul, L., Guerra, P., Costa, P. (Orgs.) in I CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL LUSÓFONO TODAS AS ARTES | TODOS OS NOMES, pp.147-157, ISBN:978-989-8648-85-3

SARAIVA, A. (2017). Between the Shadow and the Geometry of Light: Hestnes Ferreira in continuity with Louis Kahn, in Oliveira, M. J. Osório, F. (eds) (2017) ‘KINE[SIS]TEM'17 From Nature to Architectural Matter’, Lisboa, Portugal, pp.173-180, ISBN:978-989-8862-25-9

SARAIVA, A. (2016). Mergulhando no Sul de Raúl Hestnes. Estudo Prévio 9. Lisboa: CEACT/UAL - Centro de Estudos de Arquitetura, Cidade e Território da Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, 2016. ISSN: 2182-4339 []

Interview with architect José Forjaz, on the day of his Conference José Forjaz Architect 50 Years of Architecture in Mozambique, held on November 26, 2015, in the Auditorium of the Museu Nacional dos Coches in Lisbon, published in 07/12/2015


Updated: 31/01/2018


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