Visiting Researcher
Research Group
Short Bio
Paul Cary is an associate professor of sociology at Lille University 3 (France) since 2008, working mainly in the areas of urban sociology or sociology of associations, developing research in Brazil - mainly in Recife, São Paulo and Belo Horizonte - over more than 15 years. He published, among others, Le commerce équitable: quelles théories pour quelles pratiques? (L'Harmattan, 2004), Penser les territoires (Presses Universitaires du Québec, 2010), with André Joyal, and, more recently, Ségrégation et fragmentation dans les métropoles. Perspectives internationales (Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2013), with Marion Carrel and Jean-Michel Wachsberger.He has recently been editor of a number of Géographie économie société (2016/1), on the dynamics of the periurban in France, and editor, with Jean-Louis Laville, of the Revue française de socio-économie (2015) / 1) on solidarity economy.The results of the recent research he developed in Recife on water issues can be read on the site Métropolitiques or in the journal EPS.
Updated: 03/08/2017