The potential of
renewable energy technologies
for industrial transformation
the case of marine energies
19th September 2022 | 14:00
Iscte - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Auditório Ferreira de Almeida (B2.03)
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OPENING 14:00 – 14:10 Welcome and presentation of the project OceanTrans 14:10 – 14:25 Intervention by the Secretary of State for Maritime Affairs from Portugal, José Maria Costa PART I. EVIDENCE OF INDUSTRIAL TRANSFORMATION Moderator: Juliana Barbosa (LNEG) 14:25 – 14:50 Presentation of a new Directory of Firms in Marine Energies 14:50 – 15:05 Marine energies in Norwest Portugal: Artur Jorge Silva (Viana do Castelo City Council) 15:05 – 15:20 Debate 15:20 – 15:35 Coffee Break PART II. INDUSTRIAL TRANSFORMATION AND EMERGING RENEWABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES Moderator: Cristina Sousa (DINÂMIA’CET-Iscte) 15:35 – 15:50 Presentation of key results: Margarida Fontes (LNEG) 15:50 – 16:50 Round table:
Allan Dahl Anderson (University of Oslo)
Björn Sandén (Chalmers University of Technology)
José Carlos Simão (Portuguese Directorate-General for Natural Resources, Safety and Maritime Services)
Vera Kissler (European Commission – Directorate-General for Energy)
Nuno Bento (DINÂMIA’CET-Iscte)
16:50 – 17:00 Debate 17:00 Close and farewell
Addressing climate urgency and unpredicted crisis, such as pandemics and wars, requires the acceleration of the sustainable transition and, particularly, the development and implementation of new renewable energy technologies. Among other factors, this acceleration depends on the capacity of countries to mobilize existing resources and skills (Altenburg & Rodrik, 2017; Andersen et al., 2018). Innovation and industrial policy are increasingly regarded as central to achieve sustainability transitions (Andersen et al., 2020; Johnstone et al, 2021).
The project OceanTrans (Ocean energy technologies transformative potential) focus on this critical challenge in the ongoing process of sustainable transition. More specifically, the project aims to understand how new renewable energy technologies can mobilize existing industries to support their development and, as a result, induce innovation and diversification contributing to industrial transformation.
Marine renewable energy technologies are currently object of particular attention in Europe given their potential to provide large amounts of energy and new opportunities for declining industries. Portugal has a long experience in the development of marine renewable energy technologies – particularly wave energy and floating offshore wind energy (Bento & Fontes, 2019). Therefore, the project has sought to understand the role of energy innovation in industry transformation, by studying the case of the emergence of marine energies particularly in Portugal.
The goal of this conference is to debate recent advances on technological and sectoral change. The key findings of the project set the scene for a more general discussion on the potential of technology innovation for industrial transformation. The conference aims to have debates on cutting-edge theories, concepts, metrics and polices on industrial change and sustainability transition, as well as on the implications and limits for theory, corporate strategy, and policy.