The project is gaining traction in Norway!
On Thursday 1 February, Justin Kroesen (University of Bergen) and Ragna Sofie Grung Moe
(Diocese of Bergen) presented the project transHERITAGE in Fana during an evening
meeting of the local parish council. The medieval village church of Fana is the Norwegian
case study in the project, where a gathering will be organized on 7 and 8 June.
Justin explained both the goals of the project and the wider framework of EEA grants and
Future for Religious Heritage. More than about the stones the church is built from, this
project is about the community that cherishes it, now and in the future.
The council agreed to form a small committee with several of its members that will think
ahead towards activities to develop in June, aimed at knowledge sharing, engagement of the local community and projection of new perspectives.