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Macarena Ávila

Visiting Researcher

Research Group


Short Bio

Macarena Ávila completed ger Masters in Spatial Planning and Environmental Management (University of Barcelona) with a 3 month stay in Lisbon (2015/2016), during which she was integrated in Research Group “Cities and Territories” of DINAMIA’CET-IUL, in order to develop the work plan which was previously stablished and to develop the personal research in articulation with her master thesis; articulation with on-going research in this RG, namely in the Thematic Line “Creativity, Culture and Territory” (contact with previous work done by the team, with revision of previous projects and contact with papers and other articles which have resulted from this work; contact with on-going research on this streamline, particularly with ATSBANK and URB project;…), with discussion with RG coordinator and other members.


Updated: 03/08/2017


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