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DOMESTIC WORK | Domestic work and domestic workers: Interdisciplinary and compared perspectives

Research Group

Website: n.a.


The Project provided an interdisciplinary and comparative analysis of the phenomenon of domestic work, including some new empirical research. It mainly concerned the nature of the legal regulation of domestic work and domestic workers, contextualized by socio-legal and socio-economic analysis. Its focus is on law and society, including the impact of changes in the law on society, and encompassed both issues arising from domestic work and issues concerning domestic workers. The Project is focused on Portugal, where there has been no study of the legal implications of the nature of domestic work and the employment relationship, the identity of the workers, or the wider impact of the commodification of such domestic work. It will also consider, in a comparison, the United Kingdom, Brazil, India and Mozambique.

Period: 2007 - 2011

Funding Institution: FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Coordination: Pierre Guibentif

DINÂMIA'CET-IUL Team: Lisa Tortell, Vanessa Blétière (BI since 01/10/2007 to 31/12/2009), Vanessa Blétière (Investigator since 01/01/2010); Marta Silva (BI since 01/10/2008 to 28/02/2009), Elisa Gomes (BII since 01/12/2008 to 30/11/2009), Ana Raquel Fera (BII since 01/12/2008 to 30/11/2009), Fátima Suleman, Luís Francisco de Carvalho, João Rodrigues, Helena Carvalho, Vera Martins, António Monteiro Fernandes, Pedro Gomes (BI since 01/04/2009) , António Velez (BI 01-09-2009 a 31-10-2010).

External Team: Anne Davies (Brasenose College, Oxford UK), Ana Moreira Gomes, Paul Callister (Consultant- Institute of Policy Studies, University of Wellington,New Zealand), Shraddra Chigateri (Consultant - Department of Sociology, University of Keele), Maria Lígia Barbosa (Consultant Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro), Ramapriya Gopalakrishnan (Consultant - Madras High Court – Índia), Nelson Chapananga (Universidade Católica de Moçambique – Faculdade de Direito de Nampula)Parcerias:


1 - book; 14 - peer-reviewed articles; 20 - presentations at scientific meetings; 6 - organization of scientific events (international: 1 workshop and 1 conference); 8 - Masters thesis and other thesis; 3 - national reports.


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