2nd International Seminar Architectures of the Soul Arquitecturas da Alma
CALL FOR REGISTRATION 8th - 9th November
8th and 9th November
Aud. B2.03 | ISCTE-IUL
The 2nd International Seminar Architectures of the Soul (Arquitecturas da Alma) aims at promoting the scientific study and discussion around the architecture and landscape associated with religious and spiritual practices grounded in the experience of seclusion and solitude.
Building up on similar studies conducted across the Mediterranean, the conference will establish the platform for a multidisciplinary approach of the subject: history, architecture, landscape architecture, cultural heritage, art history, among others, including a strong emphasis in digital surveys methods and technology applied to religious architecture. ___________________ Organized within Rolando Volzone PhD project Arquitecturas da Alma. Proposta de Valorização da Arquitetura e Paisagem Eremítica no Alentejo dos séculos XII-XVI(Architectures of the soul. Proposal for the valorization of the eremitical architecture and landscape in Alentejo of XII-XVI centuries), supported under Grant (SFRH/BD/111796/2015) by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology).