Research Group
Research Group
Research Group
News Archive
The capacity to adopt new energy technologies in Portugal: Historical evidence and prospects for the
Seminar Cycle
Round Table
António Simões Lopes Award 2016
The collective bargaining and representativeness of temporary workers in Europe
ESA RN18 - International Conference
Seminário Relações Laborais
Seminar on Temporary Jobs
PLATAFORMAS – Technological platforms and emerging business models: new modes of value creation and
ESF - Supporting Youth in Portugal, CIE of Vocational Training and Traineeships
BANCA – Igualdade de Género na Banca
EIRO Observatory 2014-2015 - Provision of scheduled and on-request reporting services – Network of C
Inforest – Centro de Investigação e Inovação em “Matérias-primas florestais não-lenhosas”
EP BRIEFING PAPER | An evaluation of the social and employment aspects and challenges in Portugal
TESS | Transition to an environmentally sustainable energy system – The role of technology-intensive